Saturday, June 27, 2009


It actually happened!! 831 days after we first submitted our application to adopt (when we were adopting from Kazakhstan) and 155 days after our dossier was sent to Ethiopia to bring home our two little ones...just as it looked like another week had come and gone...we got a call at 4pm on Friday to tell us that our agency had matched us with a little boy!

We can't share any real details until the court date is completed, so we'll just call him "T" :) He is 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 (birthdates are not well-documented in Ethiopia) and he's a handsome little guy. It is absolutely amazing how much he has already become embedded in our hearts in less than one day. We received a few photos and some basic information about his well-being and his background. What we can share is that he has been through a very tough situation and we can imagine that he's having a hard time at the orphanage right now.

The fact that we received a referral for our son before our daughter was completely unexpected...we have been 1st on the list for a boy and 3rd or 4th on the list for a girl for a while. Since the wait is longer for a girl, the plan was to wait until a girl was available for referral and then to match us up with boy right around the same time. However, our agency decided to go ahead and match us with T on the hope and faith that we will be referred a girl by the end of summer.

It is such a major blessing to finally see the face of one of our children! Of course, this will make the wait that much harder, knowing that T is in an orphanage without the rest of his family.

We will definitely post more details as soon as we are allowed. Until then, there's not much more we can share. That includes photos... :(

Above all, we are counting our blessings and thanking God for continuing to guide us and open doors along the path to adoption. Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers and we will hopefully have another update soon. Please pray for T's situation as well as for his birth mother.

God Bless,
The Weinmeisters