Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Not an easy process...

We just heard from OAA yesterday that our dossier was rejected by the Kazakhstan consulate in NY. Not only that, but every single dossier OAA sent to the consulate in May was rejected. Apparently, they are significantly reducing their flexibility on inconsistencies to minimize the number of newly accepted dossiers.

Not happy news, but we're patient and we know this will happen. What's really tough is that we have a ton of paperwork to redo now...gotta love that :)

Thanks for continuing to read our blog and God bless!

Phil & Amy


Suzette & Tate said...

Gosh, that is hard news to hear. Our dossier was also submitted in May so I hope that this isn't something that we will have to go through too. Hang in there.

Susan said...

I am so sorry to hear that. They sure aren't making it easy.
if it makes you feel Any better, we are redoing our dossier too-not because it was rejected by the embassy, but we've been waiting so long it's all gonna expire before we go.

I loved the cnn clip. Good for you guys-biking and commuting to work and getting the adopion savings started.
That is awesome!!!

Kim said...

Don't lose heart! As the others commented on here, we too had to redo so many documents because of the long wait and expirations. If we had traveled when we first were hoping to, Lindsay wouldn't have been available yet (off of the registry). And we feel that she was soooooo meant for us! Try to think of it in that light- your child is not quite ready for you but when you get there he/she will be! Hang in there- none of this is easy but it is so worth it!

kristen said...

Wow - I keep reading about this on the AWAA site and I just don't understand!! What in the world is going on? I know it's all in God's timing, but sometimes that is just so hard to understand when there are children waiting, and parents too!! My prayers are with you, now as much as ever!! You have a great attitude - keep it up!! The prize at the end is well worth the 'trouble'. God Bless!!

dnd82001 said...

So sorry to hear this and hoping you get great news once all the paperwork is updated to their liking.

Keep the faith.


Tracy said...

That really stinks. I am sorry to hear that... UGH... I will be saying a prayer for you all...