Thursday, April 16, 2009

I had a dream...

Last night I had my first dream that involved specific child ages and genders...

We visited our agency in NC to check in on our progress. When we got there we were told that everyone had to redo their dossiers and that Ethiopia wasn't going to give any referrals for a few months. While we were in the office, we saw two children in a room - a 1 year old girl and a 2 year old girl... Just then, the other Ethiopia coordinator walked by and said "Oh, these two will be the last referrals for a few months... and I'm pretty sure they're yours..." I started crying and scooped up the little one.

A few minutes later, our coordinator came into the room and shut the door. "I'm sorry...." he said, "we had to refer these two out quickly and your paperwork has all been misplaced. We had to go with the next couple on the list."

I couldn't believe it.... Well I could (since the adoption process seems to be full of crazy ups and downs), but that didn't stop me from laying into him about his incompetence (by the way... this IS just a dream... I don't really feel like our coordinator is incompetent... haha). Then I just cried.

Well, that was it... my first dream with ages and genders. Kinda funny my brain chose two girls, since I've pretty much thought it would be one of each... Guess only time will tell :)


Jennifer said...

Aren't dreams just the most odd thing? They are both wonderful and painful at the same time. I never wake up from an adoption dream quite the same as when I fell asleep. Ususally I have a lot more yearning in my heart! :-)