Sunday, March 9, 2008

Delayed (again)...but not discouraged!


Believe it or not, we ran into another paperwork delay. Three weeks after submitting our "final" paperwork, our OAA informed us that the translator and/or the consulate want five additional documents updated to ensure they won't expire. It's definitely frustrating, since it seems like we just completed them (and we did - it's only been about 4 months). We could let it get us down, but we're not. Amy's a bit bummed, since she is just so ready to be a mother today. I love that she is overflowing with that love and I have tried hard to be a point of stability and comfort for her throughout these delays.

We have been praying for God's will and we both know that he is ultimately in control of things. Put those together and it means that we have no reason to be upset or stressed out right now. I'll admit - we both want to bring home our baby more than anything - but there's no possible way that our idea of the perfect path matches God's. :)

We continue to be blessed with documents coming and going much faster than expected. For example - we needed to get a new marriage license (which stinks, since it costs $65 for just the document....then add to/from shipping plus $10 for the apostille!) and we were told that it would take 5-10 business days. I ordered it on a Tuesday afternoon. It arrived on Thursday morning!!! I have no idea how that's even possible, but it's awesome.

Our friends have been so supportive recently and that has been awesome, too. We have had a few fundraisers recently (which I'll probably get into more in another post) and people have been so giving and selfless!

Thank you for continuing to read this blog and share a part in our lives. Please know that even though we may not talk to you often (or ever, if you happen to be reading this and you've never met us), we appreciate your interest in this child's life so much.

God bless you,


Angela said...

There always IS something! You have such a great attitude. The relief we felt when the dossier was done was awesome. You WILL get there!

Matthew Ruley said...

Yes, there IS certainly always something popping up. Today I feel like its the ultimate rollarcoaster ride, one day up-up-up and the next plummeting to depths. There seems to always be paperwork. And its pretty amazing considering that all you really want is a family. But it will happen! Keep your chin up.

Unknown said...

Always remember that everything is in Gods timing. There is a reason for the delay.. but the fruits of your labor will be seen! Im always praying for both of you and am excited to see the awesome things that God is doing in your lives. Continue to claim it, and it will be. Take care and Gods speed
~Sivi B