Thursday, March 27, 2008


Hey everyone,

I don't have much time, so this post will be short. This past week has truly been a roller coaster of adoption news. Emotionally, it hasn't been as tough as it could have been and all that credit goes upward :)

We found about a week ago that the Kazakhstan consulates have stopped accepting new dossiers due to an internal review. That's about the last thing you want to hear during this process - that some step along the way is completely blocked. We prayed about it and had a calmness, knowing that God is completely aware of the situation and completely aware of who He wants to bring to our family.

Exactly one week later...we find out that the consulates have reopened or will be reopening soon. That is awesome!!

Oh yeah - if I hadn't mentioned it already - we got confirmation that our dossier is currently being translated.

This is really happening! :)

Phil & Amy


Matthew Ruley said...

Yeah! You're being translated! Wooo hooo!

Matthew Ruley said...

Yeah! You're being translated! Wooo hooo!

Kim said...

I'm praying for you two during this wait. Before you know it you'll be there! Hope reading about our process helped in some way to prepare you for all that is in your NEAR future!